Policies & Funding Declarations
If you would like further information on RALSS Policies, please see the list for links to these documents. If you have any questions, please contact the office on 01572 758122 or email adultlearning@rutland.gov.uk. We will try our best to give you a full answer, or pass your query to a manager for further clarification.
Discretionary Learner Support Fund
Information, Advice & Guidance
Auditor’s Certificate October 2020
Supply Chain Charges and Payments 14-15
Declaration of Subcontract 15-16
Supply Chain Fees & Charges 2015-16
Supply chain charges and payments 15-16
Declaration of subcontract 16-17
Supply Chain Charges and Payments 16-17
Supply Chain Fees & Charges 2016-17 Policy
Supply Chain Fees & Charges 2017-18 Policy
Supply chain fees and charges 19-20
Supply-chain fees and charges policy 2020-21
Supply-chain fees and charges policy 2021-22
Supply-chain fees and charges policy 2022-23